Herbal and Natural Lung Cancer Treatment with The Tole

Smoking is one of the leading causes of lung cancer in the world. Smokers are ten times more likely to succumb to this disease as opposed to people who do not smoke, with over a 1,000,000 people dying yearly from lung cancer.

Lung Cancer occurs when abnormal cells start to develop and multiply in the lung tissue. This can happen in one lung or both, and in most situations, the cancer ends up infecting both eventually. The tumors that form do not allow the lungs to perform their main function, which is to give the body oxygen to live.

These tumors are not just harmful for the body part they infect, but can travel to other parts of the body and infect them as well. This is known as Metastasis, and once the cancer starts to spread, treating it becomes harder and harder.

Kinds of Lung Cancer

There are two main types of lung cancer namely non-small cell and small cell lung cancer. The former is the more prevalent and can be further categorized into the following:
• Squamous Cell Carcinoma: This occurs mostly in men and attacks the lining of the bronchial tubes.
• Adenocarcinoma: This is the most common lung cancer among women and non-smokers and it mostly affects glands in the lungs that create mucus.
• Bronchi alveolar Carcinoma: This very rare form occurs in the air sacs.
• Large Cell: This occurs near the surface of the lungs is the most dangerous, although rare, lung cancer. This type is quick to spread and deplete the body.

Allopathic Treatments for Lung Cancer

Allopathic treatments for lung cancer are varied. There is no permanent cure for this disease; rather, there are experimental treatments on the market that one can try. The most common types of treatments are listed below:

Surgical Removal: You can choose to have the cancer tumor surgically removed. This is painful, requires general anesthesia and the recovery time is long and tedious. There are also many limitations to this option for example no surgery can take place in the later stages and if the cancer has spread then this is no longer an option. In addition, removal of the tumor does not ensure that the cancer will not reoccur.

Radiation and Chemotherapy: People who refuse surgery or cannot be operated upon are given radiation. This is usually in conjunction with chemotherapy and both therapies have side effects such as vomiting, nausea, hair loss, weight loss and extreme fatigue.

Lung Cancer Treatment with The Tole

Allopathic treatments can be long, draining and leave the patient with severe side effects. This is why many patients turn to alternative treatments to find a solution to their diseases. Though natural treatments do not have an absolute cure either, there are less harmful ways to contain and reduce the tumors to allow patients to live their lives as normally as possible.

The Tole Centre is located in Kuala Lumpur and is run by Dato Master Tole. He is a trained physician, herbal medicine expert and acupuncturist. The Tole Centre uses a combination of natural herbs, acupuncture and behavioral therapy to cure patients and they currently have a fan following that spans the globe.

Their success rate is greatly dependent on how early the patient arrives at the Centre and how far the disease has progressed. People have known to be cured at the later stages as well; however, this is not always a guarantee.

The patients are rarely required to stay at the Centre for very long, and medicines are posted to them around the globe once they return home. This treatment has no side effects, and patients are told that they need to live their lives as normally as possible. Their diet is also altered so that it encourages the body to heal faster. This is a less severe option, which is why so many people are willing to give it a try. Just visit their website by go to Google Search.